Find here the different parts of your 1502-2002tii 2002 of the year 1972. Go on the part diagrams to see the exploded view and thus find the original part numbers of your vehicle as well as the corresponding prices. Let us know if you have any questions.

BMW 1502-2002tii 2002 1972

1502-2002tii 1972 2002 2002
1502-2002tii 1972 2002 2002

BMW 1502-2002tii

Model: 2002
Year: 1972
Finish line: 114
Options: 47129
Country: ECE
Gearbox: Automatic
Body type: Berline
Chassis type: 2002
Side of steering wheel: Right
Engine type: M10
1502-2002tii 1973 2002 2002
1502-2002tii 1973 2002 2002

BMW 1502-2002tii

Model: 2002
Year: 1973
Finish line: 114
Options: 47129
Country: ECE
Gearbox: Automatic
Body type: Berline
Chassis type: 2002
Side of steering wheel: Right
Engine type: M10